Archive | May, 2011


31 May

After coming in from a workout, I made myself this squisito, raw lunch. Give it a try, I’m sure you will make it again and again. Use this as a base and throw all kind of goodies in it. Divertirsi!

Raw Salad:

black olives
green olives
sea salt
basil and oregano
lemon juice
cayenne pepper – if you need a little spice

mix and match ingredients. make desired amount by using more or less of each ingredient. 🙂

Pass the butter please.

31 May

Do not shy away from butter or believe the negative press you hear concerning the benefits of this saturated fat-filled glory. Butter is good for you. Here are just a few of the benefits butter gives:

-essential for brain and nervous system development
-prevents hardening of the arteries
-contains conjugated linoleic acid, which is anti-cancer, muscle building and immune boosting
-rich in the mineral selenium
-contains vitamins E and K
-protects against tooth decay

These are just a few of the wonderful, life-giving gifts of butter. So eat up and enjoy – I enjoy butter everyday, yes, everyday. The best kind to eat is raw, unpasteurized. You will need access to a cow. Check your local listings for the sale of raw milk. In many states it is illegal to sale raw milk, but there are farms that “sale” portions of a cow which gives you the right to purchase the milk. But if need be, organic, unsalted butter from your local store or creamery will do . Two thumbs up for butter.

** Information ( of benefits) given from, and

Puddin’ Time

30 May

Avocados anyone? That is the main ingredient in this pudding. It is so yummy and full of great fat that our body needs. This might even pass for a great… breakfast.


1 cup coconut syrup
2 medium avocados
1/2 cup cocoa

Blend in blender until fluffy. Scrape down sides as needed.

Oatmeal Cookies…In the Raw

28 May

These are so yummy and full of good fats, among other things. You will need a dehydrator – make sure it has a temperature settings – and you’ll be set to go.
I’m headed to a party and takin’ my cookies with me. 🙂

Oat berries – ground fine ( you can use a coffee grinder)
3/4 cup maple syrup, coconut syrup or chopped dates
1/2 – 1 cup chocolate chips
1 cup pecans
1 -2 apples
place ground oats in bowl. Grind pecans and apples in food processor until a meal is made. Pour meal into bowl with flour then add coconut syrup and chocolate chips. Mix well, spoon and form onto solid dehydrator sheet. Dehydrate on 95 degrees for 8 – 10 hours

Good Times

27 May

It was a burger. I ate the middle. No fries. Honest.

Sprouting Complete

27 May

After 4 days, my sprouts are finally ready. Along with the alfalfa, I  sprouted mung beans too.
I like my a little shorter, they are sweeter and more flavorful that way. So on day 3, I placed them in the window so that the pretty little green leaf would sprout also. There is needed chlorophyll in that sweet little leaf. Sprouts last about 7 days in the refrigerator. So be sure and get another batch started right away.

RAW Dining

26 May

Live enzymes are only found in live foods, meaning, cooked food is dead, raw food is alive. Cooking in temperatures above 118 – 120 degrees causes needed enzymes in food to breakdown rapidly.
We need enzymes for digestion and renewed cell life. A diet consisting of 60 to 80 percent raw would be ideal. It’s really not hard to do, especially if making health changes are important to you.  There are days I cut up celery, throw it in a zip lock bag, grab some almonds or sunflower seeds and put them in my insulated – cute mind you- bag, with a freezer block and off  I go. Seeds and nuts are good for protein and needed fats. Celery  has natural sodium which helps with digestion and replenishing the body with nutrients on hot days.  You could cut up cucumbers or red and yellow peppers, if those who want something a little  more sweet tasting. For those interested in cruciferious veggies, broccoli or cauliflower would be a yummy treat. If it’s a vegetable, you can eat it raw. So venture out, awaken your true taste buds. It might be the very thing that increases your quality of life. “It’s Alive!” Raw food that is…

Coming up the next few days, so wonderful raw food recipes. I’m excited to share…

Late Night Snack

26 May

I usually do not have a late night snack, but seeing that the morning started with pancakes, it truly made for a different day of eating. So scrabbled eggs with turkey and rice cheese in it, for a late night snack, along with an episode of Andy Griffith…doesn’t get much better than that.


25 May

I’ve not made pancakes since December, honest. So, last night before bed I announced, ” Pancake breakfast in the morning!” There were several shouts of “Hooray!”
Back last summer, I had them every morning, yes, EVERY morning. Why? You ask? Because I made the declaration ( as I had many times before) “I’m giving up peanut butter”. Obviously, that was short lived.
Peanut butter is good for me and the pancakes were superb this morning.


2 1/2 cups flour* of choice
1/2 cup coconut crystals
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon xanthum gum
1 egg
2 teapsoons vanilla
1 – 1 1/2 cups rice milk
Mix all ingredients together. Pour 1/4 cup of batter on hot griddle. Turn after bubbles start to appear in batter. Turn only once. Enjoy with butter and maple syrup.

* I use a flour blend that I created myself ( several different gluten-free flours) or sweet brown rice and sorghum or gluten-free oat flour.

Cleaning Veggies and Fruit/ Reading Labels

25 May

We all know vegetables and fruits need cleaning before eating. The cheapest and most effective is white vinegar. I use it straight and undiluted out of a spray bottle, but it can be diluted to half vinegar, half water.
FYI – when buying fruits and vegetables look for the PLU code – they speak. For example, a four digit code, beginning with the number 4, means it was grown conventionally. A five digit code, beginning with the number 9, means it is organically grown. And a five digit code, beginning with the number 8, means it was genetically modified ( GMO).
4012 – conventionally grown
90012 – organically grown
80012 – GMO
Read labels, it’s important to your health